Zero Health
Zero Health
Get the care you need for $0! No deductibles, no copay, no insurance. That's ZERO.
Get the care you need for $0! No deductibles, no copay, no insurance. That's ZERO.
Talk with your Personal Health Assistance today! Call 1-855-816-0001 or chat on their website.
Talk with your Personal Health Assistance today! Call 1-855-816-0001 or chat on their website.
Save yourself and our plan!
Here are just a few of the procedures included:
Lab Work (Quest Diagnostics)
Surgeries (Knee, Foot, Ankle, Hand, Wrist, etc.)
Sleep Study
Physical Therapy
Check the website for a full list covered care and locations.
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Mental Health and Employee Assitance Program (EAP)
Mental Health and Employee Assitance Program (EAP)
EAP and BCBS for mental health.webm
Prescriptions (Rx)
Prescriptions (Rx)
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